Series 1 | Part 3: Magick & Psychology


Hi,  and welcome back to the next part of our series “Magick in Theory and Practice”. In today’s part we will deal with the topic of psychology and how it can be generally evaluated and classified in connection with magick. So let’s start with that. Enjoy!

Well, in magick, people have been working with the techniques that are popularly used in psychology today since time immemorial. But here you have to keep in mind that psychology is quite young and definitely did not discover the light of being before magick. On the contrary. It is not so long ago that psychology became part of empirical science.

It was at the beginning of the 19th century that psychology was founded in the scientific centers of Europe, so that a new way of thinking manifested itself more and more. Various faculties created chairs and courses of study or, for the time being, institutes were founded which were dedicated to closer research. A good thing, no question, but the techniques originate to a very large extent from magickal practice.

Well, the scholars of that time were not magicians and I would not bet that at that time the magickal scriptures were known. However, the fact is that self-analysis, self-knowledge, the examination of one’s own light and shadowy parts and the control of one’s ego, are all magickal works that must be successfully completed in advance in order to be able to act truly, sensibly and unerringly in magick.

So far, so good, but what is “psychology” and has magick really always had something to do with it? The word psychology or “psychologia” is composed of the Greek words for soul / breath / character (psyche) and the suffix, which stands for doctrine or science (-logy) (derived from the word logos, which stands for sense, reason or teaching).

So if you like, then psychology is a “soul science” or also the “knowledge of the soul” – this alone is a magickal direction of work, because in magick the soul or the inner source of power is basically the fusion generator, which makes all the work possible and supplies it with sufficient power. So psychology is the “knowledge of the soul”, but what is the soul? Basically the soul is the energetic composition of all energetic bodies and parts.

It is a vocabulary that wants to classify the incomprehensible of the self of a person. The religious concepts that use the technical term “soul” are irrelevant here. The word soul simply tries to describe something that is indescribable – like so many other words in the cosmos and in magickal evolution. If you want to give a rough outline of the soul, you can use the energy bodies on the one hand, whereby you have to make a distinction between the higher and the lower energy bodies.

So the soul is conditioned by the physical body, the etheric body, the mental body and the emotional body. At the same time, however, the astral body is also to be mentioned, as it functions as a connecting link between the higher and the lower energy bodies. With the astral body one can consciously recognize and understand one’s soul vibration and also one’s soul origin.

But the actual soul work begins with the higher energy bodies, so that one works with the spiritual or causal body, the intuition or buddhi body and the breathing body. Here the breathing body, the higher self, is the primary – in the religious sense – soul, because here the connection to the collective body, to the cosmic being and to the source of all being exists.

Therefore it can be said without further ado that the core of all magickal actions is self-knowledge and self-evolution, which can be directly connected to one’s own “soul” or one’s own “divine essence”. Only when I have been able to recognize, understand and touch my own soul can I bring the energies of being into a magickal context.

So in the broadest sense one can say that every magickal person who does not deal with this subject out of selfish motives is very clearly a “psychologist” or a “soul researcher” or a “soul traveller” – no matter if you have a degree or not. If you have not explored your soul yourself, how do you want to work magick. But this question must also be asked of psychologists.

If one has not recognized oneself in all details, how will one help other people to recognize, understand and even accept oneself.

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So the term “soul”, or “psyche”, can be replaced by many other magickal terms, terms that all raise new definitions again, so that they can be understood via intellect. But is this necessary? Does not every religion, even every human being, have an idea of a soul? Basically, one can answer this question with a simple “YES!”, but one should not ask for an explanation. But that is exactly why it is necessary to offer an explanation that builds a bridge between the souls of human beings, magick and psychology.

Since we are talking about a common language, we have to agree on terms so that we don’t talk at cross purposes. Thus the soul – besides the sum of the energy bodies – is also the overall construct of one’s own individuality.

The term soul includes the ego, the magickal ego, all individual energetic parts (discarnated and incarnated) and also offshoots of the cosmic being, which is the last “individual state” before entering the subjects of total or polyenergies.

In this context, the whole subject matter can be reduced to a common denominator that brings together magick and psychology. This denominator is the self-knowledge, where we are talking about the literal “self”, which then consists of the human ego, the magickal ego and also the cosmic ego.

This has to be taken into account when I speak of “psychologists”, “soul-giants” or “magicians” in the further course, because from this context, anyone who may rightly call himself a magus, witch, shaman, knower, priest etc. is, of course, a psychologist.

But since this word is already taken and it can lead to mistakes or misunderstandings, a short neology is needed – once again – a new word creation. Since the Greek language is out – which is already in use – the Latin language is also very much in use in empirical science, the “magick languages” remain.

These would then be Hebrew, Sanskrit and Enochian! But you can also add Egyptian or Sumerian, so that it doesn’t get too easy, right?

All these languages were once “languages of everyday life” and … Wait a minute! Not Enochian! Enochian was never a language of everyday life. On the contrary, there are still minor skirmishes that are triggered when Enochian is called a language. Basically, this is a perfect way to create a new word creation.

The Enochian word “Ga/Gah” in translation stands for “soul”, “energy”, “spirit”, “myths”, “belief” and “creative spirit” and is therefore absolutely appropriate. The enochian word “Granny/Omp” stands for “understanding”, “grasping”, “knowledge”, “ability”, “understanding”, “comprehension”, “apprehension”, “ability”, “clear-sightedness”, “discrimination”, “understanding”, “wisdom” or “appeal”, which is again very fitting. And already the well-known word psychology became the unknown word “Gaoma”!

Because the enochian language itself is magickally active, because it is the “language of the angels” (i.e. a communication vibration of another level, because angels do not talk verbally with each other and therefore do not need a phonemic language), which can trigger a special vibration in man himself, the enochian language is perfectly suited to form a term that could not be more fitting and meaningful. By omitting the human intellect, by ignoring deductive logic, a term was thus created that can produce an energetic-systemic effect. It is a term that perfectly describes and also reflects the activities of a magickal person, a term that can trigger a reaction in one’s own ego solely through its letter combination – which can be perfectly intoned! This term is “GAOMA” – just vibrate loudly and let it vibrate in your own system. It is exciting what can already be felt here.

If you still want to, you can change the term as you like, stretch it or add meaningful prefixes or suffixes. It doesn’t matter, however, whether it is a gaomatic work or a gaomaism. What is important is that in this case you leave your intellect outside and work only with your intuition.

Furthermore, this new word creation eliminates all avoidable discussions about whether magick is really allowed to use the term “psychology” – many scientific fields get heart palpitations and ego rages when terms – e.g. from physics – are used to describe magick processes. For example, the word “energy” is often hotly debated as to whether a non-physicist is allowed to use this sacred word in the mouth next to it. Yes yes, energy! Energy! Energy! Energy! Energy!

Good, but how is “Gaoma” used in magick? Well, the previous two paragraphs already have some examples. Badly speaking, it is a manipulative action, positively speaking, the creation of a new freedom. By briefly talking about the magickal languages and the “language of the angels”, which is powerful and extraordinary, a foundation stone has already been laid.

But when referring to “magickal technical terms” and “magickal languages”, it must be said that nothing else is done with the term psychology. If you talk about “psychology” in the present time, or that you are a psychologist yourself, the most different films run before the inner eyes of people. The title “psychologist”, is usually linked to an academic degree, which triggers real reverence in many people, because this person has studied and certainly knows a lot. Aha! If you then cleverly build into your conversations that psychology is an empirical science – a science that investigates or illuminates the material and spiritual world (whether material plants or mental behavior) through experiments, tests, observation, research, questioning or surveys – many people have already been completely inspired.

However, many people also withdraw at the word “psychology” or “psychologist”, because it is generally known that it deals with the behaviour, the experience and the action of man (partly individual, partly universal). Many people get downright afraid of being analysed and possibly even recognised by other people, because their behaviour patterns very often reflect a few lines in textbooks, as if looking at a “classic example”. The patriarchal father, the caring mother, the tyrannical child being courted as prince/princesses. People get afraid that they will really be recognized and understood. There is the fear that one’s own foundation will be recognized so that an identification can take place as to why one is the way one is.

This fear is ultimately completely unfounded, because just as psychology itself cannot be clearly categorized into one area, so one cannot normally categorize a person “just now” – but what is the normal case? Unfortunately, many people correspond to the classic textbooks, since individuality is being minimized bit by bit by the current society. Sexual preferences, neurotic tics, material and psychological behaviour are widely reported in the media, after all there are an infinite number of shows where people prostitute themselves and curry favour with the public without any consideration of losses, but this is simply thrown into the pot of tolerance and not questioned once. If you are magickally active, you can read most people like a book. All you have to do is use a few scraps of conversation, do a scan of the mental and emotional body, and to be absolutely sure, look at the spiritual or causal body energetically. The extracted information is more than sufficient to recognize the person. If you then also use numerology or astrology to align the name, date of birth, time of birth and radix, there are no more real secrets. But for this you need real magickal knowledge, which you can teach yourself. But this also means work that has to be done with will and discipline.

Will and discipline can also be found in psychology, for psychology has latent access to the natural sciences, the social sciences and also the humanities. Nevertheless, it cannot be fully assigned to any field. Although you can “invent” as many other categories as you like (such as cognitive science, behavioral science or even neuroscience), this would lead to an endless cascade that would produce more chaos than order. Counterproductive, therefore, so one should not choose this path. Therefore one prefers to take the division into “academic psychology” (which can be divided into many, many more areas) and everyday psychology.

So, so, there is an everyday psychology. Kind of reminds you a bit of the term “magick in everyday life”, doesn’t it? And exactly this can even be looked at together – only with the difference that you now have to work more with the term “Gaoma” to make a conscious separation.

Magick and Gaoma in everyday life can be described with theatrical terms like “aura reading”, “chakra analysis”, “body energy field analysis” or “flash of inspiration”. But you can also simply accept soberly that you have more than 5 senses and that you can use them in a very targeted way. If one wants to and can handle the respective “technical terms” and does not use them for self-congratulation, one can use them without further ado. But unfortunately these terms are like the statement “I am a psychologist” – most people are afraid that someone can recognize, read and even scan an aura, the chakras or the energy bodies in detail. Therefore it is again important to use terms that do not run pre-programmed codes, so that the ego of a person gets scared and afraid. Fear and anxiety are normal behavioural patterns here, because the masks one wears in everyday life, at work and in one’s own four walls – in the family and/or partnership – are meaningful protective mechanisms. Unfortunately, you have to function in this world, even if tolerance is always preached.

Tolerance is a facsimile, and if you want to fathom tolerance (literally the measure of what a person can bear), you will soon realize that tolerance is suddenly not so great after all. You are being pigeonholed and have to adapt to the “tolerant society”.

And this is exactly the leap to magickal practice. The pre-programmed coding is one of the most important tools of Gaoma and works according to the classic key-lock principle. Everything in magick works according to this principle, every energy work, every ritual, every success, every failure. It is about cascades of action that are triggered when you start with a focused work. So the terms placebo and nocebo effect must be very clearly illuminated in relation to a gaomatic work. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a big ritual, a meditation, a talisman or a curse. If I’m not with MY ENERGY on this, not much will happen. If I can’t tap into my soul, my core, my power plant, the magick work will remain a cute spectacle. Furthermore faith is essential here. This applies equally to the blessing and of course also to the curse. Especially with a curse it is perfect when the “victim” sounds loudly that he doesn’t believe in such nonsense! The louder the screaming, the more effective the results – at least this is what practice shows again and again. The field of damage magick is a very effective playing field of the Gaoma, because especially curses and magickal attacks go hand in hand with a belief that is anchored in every human being. Patterns are addressed that can be dismissed as superstition, silliness and nonsense, but by uttering a curse you will enter an area of the human psyche that has infinite uncertainties. One does not have to believe in a curse for it to manifest. You do not have to believe that you will be run over by a car and yet it can happen. Basically, every person believes in supernatural things – every person.

Curses and imprecations fit exactly into this concept, and when a curse is spoken out loud, a pattern is followed that the intellect of the respective person cannot dismiss 100% as true or false. Somehow you “have heard” that there are such things as curses. Of course you don’t believe in such nonsense, but you have heard about it. Yeah, yeah, heard of it. But there’s no such thing. There’s no such thing. Who believes in curses? No, no … There are no curses and all the little misfortunes, the streaks of bad luck are all the result of chance. Yes, yes, everything is coincidence, because curses do not exist – even if you have heard of curses before. The easiest way to counteract a curse is to drive an energetic attack yourself – without consideration of consequences and losses. There are always people who take advantage of their ethnic origin and jump into the breach of prejudice.

The belief or prejudice that all “gypsies can curse you” exists in Europe. This pattern is exploited by some ethnic groups. Why not. It only becomes interesting when these people get into contact with other magickal people and it is immediately made clear that there will be war from this second on and that all imaginable powers and beings will be summoned to punish the person in question and his entire family. The view is really priceless, especially when one also makes a short invocation and if necessary, conjures up any known energies. Curses are not a game, and if you want to pronounce them, you have to expect appropriate reactions. Whether I get involved in a shootout, a stabbing or a magickal exchange of blows, I have to expect that I will not come out of this story unscathed. Well, then that’s the way it is!

If you go from the European latitudes to the realm of voodoo, you know that curses and curses are not uncommon. Voodoo, however, is a religion that celebrates more than 80% of positive works such as healing and energetic support as well as luck and help rituals. Nevertheless, one must know that some curses are real pharmaceutical poisonings. It doesn’t matter if you look at the voodoo practices in Africa (especially in Benin or Togo) or in Central America (especially Cuba or Haiti).

Real pharmaceutical poisonings are possible here because the initiates have a very broad knowledge of plants, a plant knowledge that refers to the ingredients and their application. Other curses refer primarily to the so-called Nocebo effect, a procedure that is nevertheless absolutely effective. This nocebo effect is the name for a reaction to a special effect, usually a pharmacological, but often also a psychosomatic effect. Lapidary one can say that an expected or feared effect also occurs or must occur. The opposite is the placebo effect. It can be imagined that in contrast to the positive effect of the placebo effect, the nocebo effect causes a negative reaction.

The nocebo effect is based, among other things, on a certain expectation of the victim – in the pharmaceutical or medical sense, however, it is better to speak of the patient, even if the word “victim” is not completely wrong. The expectation can be taken up unconsciously, but also completely consciously. When it comes to curses and harmful spells, one must look at the trigger stimuli one is working with. Since in Islam the djinn do not like to be “titled”, it is always exciting when you use exactly this mechanism, this religious pattern and actively make a djinn invocation. But you should be careful here, because the energy of the djinn is real, and if you are magickally active, a “pretending” can also have a real, energetic effect. So if you want to do something in the area of damage magick you should be able to switch from empty threats to focused actions in a flash, as you certainly don’t want to have a horde of angry djinn at your heels, which are additionally bound in complicated energetic networks, so that you can really get into trouble here.

Thus the nocebo effect thus has an effect on learning mechanisms, like e.g. conditioning, behavior patterns or thought patterns, which are culturally and/or educationally derived. Sometimes even a horror movie that you watched when you were young and which you have not quite correctly processed as fiction, respectively do not have the appropriate magickal expertise to smile at Hollywood is enough, as you have already experienced much more violent effects on other levels and in real life.

In the nocebo effect, fears are thus built up so that certain external “influences” are harmful or conducive to damage. Diseases or misfortunes can be triggered by this, whereby it does not matter whether these effects are really only coincidences or targeted magick operations – the goal is the goal, not the way. So it is possible that the cursed persons really fall ill and also have actual symptoms, or the corresponding symptoms can appear and also be observed. Even real measurements are possible here, because the Nocebo effect is quite well researched medically and psychologically (or gaomatically).

Furthermore, the nocebo-effect finds fertile ground when it comes to the so-called “self-fulfilling prophecy”. Triggers or “amplifiers” can be heard curses, curses or threats, which are presented with magickal dramaturgy. Some theatre and dramaturgy belong to magick, but also (wrong) diagnoses by doctors or detailed explanations of possible side effects (e.g. in scientific studies) are very fertile ground. Instruction leaflets are part of this area, because many people read the instruction leaflet of their medication and work through the side effects in their minds. The human psyche loves to fulfil things and processes that receive energetic support – that this is primarily used in the area of side effects of profane people and not in the area of fulfilling one’s own wishes … human!

But this energetic ground of wishes, fears and possibilities is also used by purely energetic entities. You quickly think you hear something, you think you have seen something and … wasn’t there really a shadow on the wall? The destructive energies use their own dramaturgy, which leads to the Nocebo effect and is often very convincing.

Nature, and therefore all energies or energetic entities, will always take the path of least resistance or the path that costs the least energy. It is much easier to manipulate a human being via etheric bodies than to have a breeze form, a shadow running from A to B, a door moving and even the light going on and off to show a humanoid shadow approaching bit by bit.

Doing this in physical reality is energy-sapping or energy-consuming. Why would you use a (fictitious) amount of energy of 100 energy pieces to move a light switch when you can also trigger the same psychological / gaomatic fear effect when you can manipulate one of the human energy bodies with 10 energy pieces. So a strong self-confidence and a healthy self-defence already counteract a possible curse (of people or entities) very well.

But there is also the possibility that you can feel clear energies that bring you out of balance or out of the harmonic center, no matter how strong you are. If this is the case, you have to face the conflict, the struggle, the war. It is like in nature. You can get a lot done through threatening gestures and dramaturgy, but sometimes there is a real fight, a real confrontation, which you either win or lose.

But what is the secret of the Gaoma, or what do you need in general to be able to work here in a targeted way? Well, in the end you have to know yourself, you have to understand yourself, you have to be able to access your chakras, your energetic bodies and you have to use your energies in a focused way so that you can reach a real goal. The more and more precisely you know your individual facets, parts, recesses and areas, the better. If you can understand yourself completely, or close to perfect, you can align all magickal work exactly to that. If you know for yourself why you “work” or “tick” like you do, you can open and use the respective “locks”.

As always, certain causalities are important in magick, certain key-lock components, which – if they are known – can be used perfectly. Every person can create specific triggers. In this case, the triggers can be pieces of music, incense, ritual clothing, hard (enochian) sentences, magick weapons (athame, staff, chalice, pentacles etc.), a special place (power place, temple etc.) and a special kind of magick. Here it depends of course on the goal of the magick operation. There are many triggers, but you should also know how and when to use them.

When it comes to growth, the waxing moon is a better trigger than the waning crescent. Therefore considerations of certain correspondences are very important. Ultimately, magick consists of an infinite number of trigger systems that you have to use to reach your goal. So if you want to ask the questions about what a trigger can be, you have to reflect that the question of “WHAT?” can only be answered by saying: “Everything that seems to be beneficial to the Self! So there is no limit here, everything is allowed that can bring you to your goal – everything.

Whereby the goal and the work must always be reflected, just like one’s own ego – the selfish ego, the magickal ego and the cosmic ego. They are all energetic and magickal gears that must mesh together to ensure effective cooperation. Well, there is a certain hierarchy here, because of course the egoistic ego will have different ideas than the magickal ego or the cosmic ego. Not everything that an ego wants to achieve will be achieved.

A completely different question is of course the “HOW”, i.e. how to choose your trigger and how to set it. As already mentioned, knowledge and application of correspondence are helpful, but basically one can say that the answer to the question of “HOW” can only be answered by knowing oneself and one’s (energetically coded) possibilities. If I do not know how a tool works, I will not be able to use it correctly or in a goal-oriented way. Of course I can also drive a nail into a wall with pliers, but a hammer is simply more effective here.

So if you know HOW you yourself work, if you have understood the HOW that refers to a focus you can give yourself, if you have understood HOW to use your self-confidence and your own natural gifts and abilities, you will be able to reach your goal. Of course you have to answer the question of HOW, which refers to the way to the goal. One must be able to recognize and reflect on one’s path and goal, so that one can ask HOW to choose one’s own possibilities that will bring success.

You have to reflect what you are, what you are capable of, and what will make waves energetically. Only then should you be prepared to use your energies consciously and purposefully, because only then will you reach your goal. Another HOW, of course, also refers to the tools that you can use. As tools all divinatory possibilities are to be mentioned here. Everything that can be used for a divinatory work is a suitable tool, a tool that accesses existing systems, but that can bypass the deductive ratio. Furthermore, all astral work and all energetic undertakings are to be classified as tools. However, it should always be taken into account that the devastating thing about magick is not whether it works, but rather THAT it works! Or in other words: “Think what you wish for! You’ll get it too!”

This is the good, but also the greatest danger. You get what you want, no matter what it is and no matter which paths are taken. However, the time component is not important here, so you shouldn’t wait for your ego to make the lottery win as soon as the wish has been formulated – you should also make sure that the wish is formulated in such a way that you win more than a few euros and you also take into account how much energy the millions of other players put in to win. The beauty of magick is that the empirical sciences will always find something that will give them support, security and reassurance. Support, security and the certainty that the others, the magickal people, are really just the “nutcases”.

Through this, one’s own view of the world is given the perspective that it is always the right thing to do – without doubt and without allowing any craziness. If you look into magickal thinking from the point of view of psychology, you will soon come across formulations that deny the magickal person a self-determined and also independent action – this is quite exciting, since it can hardly be further away from magickal reality. Thus, magick or belief in magick or even “magickal thinking” in psychology is associated with a childlike view.

The fact that this is basically a compliment since one has not yet experienced indoctrination, is unfortunately overlooked. It is assumed that people who believe in magick have simply stopped in their spiritual development at “being childlike” because they assume that thoughts, words, gestures, imaginations or actions have a direct influence on things or circumstances that are definitely NOT “causally connected”, i.e. for which there is no causal chain. So, so, there are no causal chains – which is already very exciting, since causal chains can also be deductively traced.

Well, in an emergency, psychology can play the card of “chance” no matter how often. The fact that at some point everything is coincidence is then also accidentally overlooked. With regard to magick, sometimes even childhood is mentioned, which throws magick thinking to a preliminary stage of rational thinking. The people who think magick are at the stage of “preoperational thinking of an infant”, which has an age between two and five years – at least according to psychology. An age between two and five years – perfect, because this is where the family imprints take place, i.e. this is where the patterns are stamped, the templates are cast, the programs are written.

So if you are between two and five years old in the psychological sense, but have developed a certain intellect that has realized that society is very manipulative, you can completely redesign yourself at this stage. You can completely reprogram yourself, you can create your own patterns, you can cast your own templates so that you don’t have to spend your life in the dignity grip of the mainstream and society. Psychologically it is explained that magickally working people completely ignore all conventional rules of cause and effect – well, this is easier than explaining the possibility of coincidences that are CLOSE.

That here possibly an extended point of view is hit by a causality (chaos-theory – the wing beat of a butterfly (psyche) can cause a whirlwind etc.) resp. also, other vocabulary is used (like e.g. in astrology that planets influence humans because they are understood and assumed to be archetypes resp. archetypal patterns), unfortunately, is ignored here.

But fortunately, this psychology understands that the belief in magick or magickal thinking is a cross-cultural phenomenon that can be found in all religions – that’s something, isn’t it? Well, I would add the phrase “… and in all cultures” to this statement, because magickal thinking has always been an integral part of humanity – whether psychology likes it or not. is magick! This was the case 1000 years ago, just as it is still the case today, only with the difference that other vocabulary is used. But it is reassuring to know that psychology does NOT see magick thinking as a kind of “psychopathologization”, i.e. it does not assume that “magick thinking” is a mental illness or a psychic disease.

Whew! Lucky you! Even if one has to admit that there are many people and characters in the spiritual scene who would fit into the area of mental illness. Classical psychology classifies magickal thinking as “pre-rational thinking”, which means that people who do magickal work or believe that magickal or energetic work does something, are denied certain rationality.

Tribal cultures are often used as an example, which couldn’t be more inappropriate, because when you immerse yourself in the voodoo religion, there are many authentic eyewitness accounts – also from scientists – who have experienced things where their reason capitulates. Observations have been made which are inexplicable. People were in a trance, consciously injured themselves with slashing and stabbing weapons, but after the trance or possession, they had neither conscious memories nor effective damage.

So the statement that magickal people have a “pre-rational thinking” can, fortunately, be affirmed, because the point is that one can control one’s own rationality and, if necessary, also make it “mouth dead”, so that the inner censor is only able to accept that what has just been seen rationally, but cannot be explained rationally. Such control is worth a lot, especially when you penetrate into the magickal levels where things and processes exist that the ratio cannot understand.

Well then? Now, what about magick, psychology, Gaoma and school science? Well, you can now reflect on whether magick psychology or Gaoma can influence your own ego positively or negatively. It is a fact that we are manipulated always and everywhere, we are controlled, falsified and partly also handled – in the profane, but also in the energetic-magickal area. This is not new, but in magick one should take care that one controls, dominates and can use oneself – i.e. one’s ego and sometimes also one’s ratio – in a purposeful way.

If you are familiar with magick, if you have understood magick as a maxim, if you are not bothered by other people mocking this maxim, you can go your own way. If you can continue to accept that you can change yourself through magick, if you can recognize and transform your patterns and templates, if you can transform your old self, you have already gained a lot. The fact that here magick thinking is classified in such a way that one is on the level of a child between two and five years is irrelevant. In this case children are a fitting example of how one can shape one’s world.

If you can really still create imaginative realms, if you still enjoy the little things of everyday life and have retained some faith, then life is in balance. Through magick, one will be able to replace any faith with experience, knowledge and cosmic gnosis, but until then, one can recognize and reprogram oneself.

Lets end our excursion for today and we see us next time, when we discuss the topic “Invocations and Evocactions”.

May you be blessed!




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